
Author of Your 1st blog goes here, Your 2nd blog goes here and a 3rd blog goes here. Lives in "TYPE IN WHERE YOU LIVE HERE".Edit Profile
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Education and Work

Further education:
2009 Certificate III Office Administration;
1996-1997 Certificate III Office Administration;
none. However I am self taught in basic HTML, CSS codes, research; web design; and in painting and drawing with various mediums. I'm also a self-taught psychic but don't consider that as a realistic career option.


Years attended school:
1978-1982 (High school)
1970-1977 (Primary school)
Schools attended:
Mannum High School.
Mannum Primary School.
Primary School in Adelaide somewhere near Glenelg North.
Primary School in Adelaide somewhere near Elizabeth Grove.


My philosophy in life is to evolve spiritually. I believe that all religions on Earth are designed to return us back to our Creator - whomever you wish to call Him. We are here on Earth to learn not to fight with each other.

I am very passionate about two things: people and Angels. I believe humans are designed to and capable of connecting with Angels in order to evolve back to our Creator. However, in this day and age humans are too blinded by the truth - which is not their fault at all. I believe Satan is doing his thing here on Earth, creating a much bigger illusion in our reality than anyone can really foretell or get their hands around. Life is an illusion though, but somehow humans must see through all the transparency of life/of our own experiences and find the truth within themselves. It is there. It just needs to be found.

I am a full believer in giving and being compassionate and understanding. Life is hard enough with the way our society is structured with having to pay for everything that we need to survive. However, it is my hope that I can influence good changes in our society to happen. Freedom of self; freedom of education and learning; freedom of everything is my motto. If its not free then it should be free.

Religious views:
My views on religion are really non-existant. I am more interested in the Spiritual nature of life, creation, and existance that religion per se. I do believe in God, Jesus Christ, Angels, etc, but with all the extraterrestrial contacts I've had I tend to believe the human race is not ONLY what God created in the Universe. But, religiously, I am very open-minded. I accept the fact everyone on Earth has a different religious view than me, and basically, I am accepting of all religions on Earth. I used to live next door to a man whose religion is Muslim. As a human being he was one of the nicest people I have ever known - and for all you Americans out there - he was an Iraqi. That didn't make him any less human! I don't judge people by their religion or faith. The only time I judge a person is when they have done something bad to me or have said something terrible to me and never apologized. Love is everything and people everywhere on Earth are MY WORLD and I LOVE THEM ALL!

Political views:
I am somewhat anti-political in nature. I believe our society is designed to create disharmony, unhappiness and anger within our species. Hence the violence, poverty and general unhappiness of everyone. As such, I tend to think along the lines of a world society that is bound together by love, friendship, trust, and harmony. At present such a reality does not exist, except within my own heart and probably within those of others who are like-minded like me.

Favourite Quotations:
To be or not to be, that is the question! - by Shakespeare

Arts and Entertainment


The Oxford (or any really) English dictionary
Stargate SG1; Star Trek movies; Rambo movies; Avatar; Independance Day; any movies with Whoopi Goldberg in it; mostly action and some comedy movies.
Love watching: Stargate SG1; Stargate Universe - when it is on; Star Trek TNG; Star Trek Voyager; the News and Weather channels; sometimes The Simpsons; The View: and documentaries. I don't spend a lot of time watching TV these days.
I prefer to watch anything about out history unless it is graphic in imagery, love animal documentaries, especially The Big Cat Diaries; and learning about outer space.

Activities and Interests

Well, I collect stamps; do a lot of walking; gardening - especially growing my own vegetables if the weather doesn't burn them or kill them by frosts; bird watching; being on the Internet; writing; trying to write/finish my book; and more.



My favourites:

My dislikes and hates:
I absolutely hate people who use others for whatever reason (e.g. for their money, possessions, etc). I do not like it when I am taken for granted, or when anyone is taken for granted. I totally dislike people who are racist and who will not learn to live with people from different cultures and backgrounds. But my ultimate pet peeve are those Bible bashers who come knocking on my door (they are Jehovah Witnesses by the way) and who try to convert me to their belief. I seriously don't like being preached to, and I get offended by it.

I hate the sort of people who believe they are better than anyone else, especially anyone of a different culture. There are three words I never call anyone: Bitch; slut; and whore. These 3 words are totally demeaning to anyone who is being called these words. I have used the word "Bitch" in conversations to family members but it is in reference to another word "arsehole". As in "Don't be a Bitch." (or....Don't be an arsehole.") There is one more thing that I dislike, and that is what American's call an Emu. It's how they pronounce Emu that bothers me. They pronounce it as "eem-moo" or something like that. For all you Americans out there "Emu" is actually pronounced "eem-you"!

Basic Information

About Me:
I love to create and design things and my biggest passion is designing Blogger blog templates. In the process I learn new things, hacks and improve the general look of each new template I make. It is a challenging hobby but I do not like to see the same old template on one of my blogs as I get easily bored with the look of it. I am out to improve the look and function of Blogger blogs in general. Just out of curiosity I have RH- and O- blood, if that is supposed to mean anything. Going on my own research findings my blood is the unknown origin and of the purest on Earth. Mind you, a strange fact about my blood is it has changed a few times in my life. I'm not sure if that is supposed to happen - considering I have never had a blood transfusion at all. Well, when I was 7 years old I believe I may have had a blood transfusion several times, but my blood group and type has changed more recently. It used to be H- (instead of RH-); OH- (I believe this was a combination of the blood group and type put together = H- O-); and RH+ at one point (I believe this was due to being pregnant with my first child, and somehow my unborn feutus' blood group/type changed my own. I've been told by doctors that that can happen - but I'm not sure about the RH- or RH+ blood group/type is able to change.)

If you ever had the chance to get to know me, you will find I am a very nice person. I am generous, giving, kind, compassionate, and will listen to people's problems. I would give you the shirt off my back if you wanted it - if I knew you weren't taking advantage of me. I am not judgemental toward anyone, unless they do something wrong by me personally. I love all people no matter where they come from. When I make friends with someone it is for life, not short termed. I am a very patient person and will honour anyone's beliefs. I like to get to know people, of what makes them "that person".

I am not very good at receiving compliments - not many people have complimented me in the past, so its something I'm still trying to get used to. Basically, I come from a poor, lower class type of family, and was removed from my family by the government at the age of 4 years old. I went from foster home to foster home until I was 9 when I began living with my grandparents, and then 2 years later was living with my mother and her new husband. I was always an outcast in my family. I had a hard life growing up which continued into my adult years.

Interested in:
Learning the truth about the nature and source of extraterrestrials & UFO activity; website designing; learning about life in general; learning about how to be a more spiritual human Being; UFO/Extraterrestrial related eBooks and magazines; nature; music; learning how to be a better parent; life; comics; etc.
Relationship status:
Single but not looking for anyone special.

Contact Information

My Websites:
This one mostly, plus:

Websites I have profiles on:
World UFO Space

Other websites:

My email:
I mostly use: shirley.hardy@live.com
Snail Mail:
Shirley Hardy
Flat 3, 59 Douglas Street,
Tenterfield NSW 2372


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