In creating a new faceblog design I decided to go for an all out pink theme. As such it is a design especially created for us women. I doubt that any male would use it even if they liked pink.
There are a few more things I will add to the styling of this template and then it should be ready for downloading. Enjoy!
UFO Joe Collect mysterious creatures for the alien zoo! |
Play this free game now!! |
UFO Joe Collect mysterious creatures for the alien zoo! |
Play this free game now!! |
UFO Joe Collect mysterious creatures for the alien zoo! |
Play this free game now!! |
UFO Joe Collect mysterious creatures for the alien zoo! |
Play this free game now!! |
UFO Joe Collect mysterious creatures for the alien zoo! |
Play this free game now!! |
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Apologies: This panel will not visually display left and right facing arrows. I had to write a mini tutorial just with the first two options. I hope you can understand them.
* To change your text to bold simply type in a left facing arrow then a lowercase letter b then a right facing arrow. Then add your text, followed by typing in a left facing arrow, then type in /b and then a right facing arrow.
* To change your text to italics simply type in a left facing arrow then a lowercase letter i then a right facing arrow. Then add your text, followed by typing in a left facing arrow, then type in /i and then a right facing arrow.
* To add an image or gif type in [im]Add your image or gif URL here[/im]
* To change the colour of your text type in [co="red"]Add your text here[/co] This gives you: Text. You can change the colour of the text either typing in the colour's word or by adding a hex colour code (#0000ff) without the brackets, of course.
To add a marquee text type in [ma]Add text here[/ma].
Of course, you can add various combinations of the above to your comment as long as you place the ending tags in the right locations.
Add emoticons To add one of the above emoticons simply type in the code that you see when you hover your mouse arrow over the image.