This is a difficult subject for me to write about because of all the years I have been in contact with Angels, and all the telepathic conversations I've had with extraterrestrials, I do not exactly know if Angels are telepathic or not. I would not say either way that Angels are telepathic or not because there are no similar references to telepathy when speaking to an Angel. It is something like telepathy but it is something completely different too.
Allow me to explain myself. When communicating to an Angel it is like you are almost talking to yourself. But in talking to yourself in your mind you kind of sense it is you who is talking. With Angels, however, there is no source of origin to the conversation. It is more like you are talking to just energy which has no point of origin, something that exists everywhere and anywhere all at the same time but is coming from within a close proximity to where you are standing.
Other times it is exactly like telepathy. You can hear them talk, you can feel or sense exactly where they are, and can even see who you are talking to.
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